BSA Images Of The Week: 02.26.17
Always good to get to Berlin to see what waves of text and pattern and outrage and snark and myriad metaphor are more-or-less relentlessly rippling across buildings and empty lots. The rippling effect was swelled by 4 days of rain, which makes windows streak with rivlets and wheat-pastes peel from the top, leaning forward and […]
Sixe Paredes: Future-Folk Geometry In Barcelona
The Future-Folk Geometrist named Sixe Paredes is in Madrid at Palacio Neptuno this weekend for the Urvanity commercial art fair but today we have a look at a recent large scale pared he painted for the Open Walls Conference in Barcelona recently. Sixe Paredes. Open Walls Conference 2016. Barcelona, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena) […]
BSA Film Friday: 02.24.17
Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities. Now screening : 1. Kate Tempest – “Europe Is Lost” 2. DESCUBRIENDO NUESTRA HISTORIA – Discovering Our History (Chile) 3. Cane Morto: Grimy Drawings With High Precision Tools. 4. Bezt X Natalia Rak in collaboration with Thinkspace. Film by Birdman […]
Johannes Mundinger Painting in Mexico City for “Wall Dialogue II”
Berlin based Street Artist and abstract impressionist Johannes Mundinger just spent a month in Mexico City as part of WALL DIALOGUE II painting in collaboration with Blo and talking with other artists and the community mainly about the new president in the US and how it is affecting things in Mexico. Johannes Mundinger . Blo. […]
Rough.eq Creates Miniature Refugee Boats in Basel, Switzerland
As much of Europe is actually the recipient of refugees arriving in boats from war-torn countries, this image of a small boat filled past its capacity with people has a lot of relevance to people in Basel, Switzerland who spot them. Rough.eq. Basel, Switzerland. 2017. (photo © Bernhard Chiquet) The tiny concrete sculptures by a […]
BAST: “New Works” Are Vital, Animated at Allouche Gallery
Bast. Untitled Paper and Stuff 1, 2016. Allouche Gallery. (photo © Jaime Rojo) The first full show of studio work by Brooklyn Street Artist Bäst in a gallery in about four years declares that the artist is currently running loose with an intoxicating freedom of gesture and brush strokes and character that reaches back to […]
“NUART Aberdeen” Announced for April, BSA is There With You
| FIRST ARTISTS ANNOUNCED | NUART TALKS PROGRAM | BSA FILM FRIDAY LIVE | LIVE ARTIST INTERVIEWS | KEYNOTE SPEAKERS | FIGHT NIGHT RETURNS | | SPECIAL FILMS THROUGHOUT EASTER WEEKEND AT BELMONT THEATRE | NUART in Stavanger Norway has been distinguishing itself as a top-notch series of events showcasing Street Art and graffiti culture […]
BSA Images Of The Week: 02.20.17
We have a lot to show you this week of art from the street, museum, and studio. This horrid and chaotic political environment is proving to be fertile soil for the growth of politically themed works by artists everywhere. We start todays’ posting with the image above created with the simplicity of a mirror held […]
Buff Monster says “Stay Melty”
Paint drips and ice cream drips: What flavor would you like? We have strawberry, cherry, coconut… Buff Monster Stay Melty Gingko Press. Berkeley, CA. 2015 If you haven’t seen Buff Monster and his melty crew on walls in the mid-twenty-teens then you have been looking at the sidewalk for loose change and lost earrings too […]
BSA Film Friday: 02.17.17
Now screening :
1. BEGR: Snow Painting
2. Gonzalo Borondo - ANIMAL
3. 2017 Women's March from 50/50 Skatepark
4. What's Your Story? PREZ
Icy & Sot, Razor Wire & Flowers Along a Wall in Miami
By festooning foreboding razor wire with decorative flourishes of welcome, Icy & Sot invert a symbol of exclusion and fear. The effect is shocking in its embrace of joy and color and life; the surreal visual combining two opposing views of a border that uses their contrast for unusual illumination. Icy & Sot “Imagine A […]
“ALL BIG LETTERS” : Exhibition of Style, Tools, and Technique of Graffiti
It’s called ALL BIG LETTERS but it could easily be called ALL BIG DREAMS because the outward techniques, the history, and the tools of the trade of graffiti on display at Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery all lead to more internal aspirational matters. All Big Letters curated by RJ Rushmore at Haverford College’s Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery. Philadelphia, […]
“Love Is Freedom” Locked: Valentines Day in Berlin
“A padlock on a bridge is considered as a proof of love in many cultures, but we all know that the key to a successful relationship is freedom,” says conceptual artist and Street Artist Aïda Gomez when talking about her simple text installation below. Just in time for Valentine’s day, a Berlin bridge gets this […]
“Liberate the Child Within” Roc Blackblock for 12 1 in Barcelona
Free your mind, and the rest will follow. Not only is it a lyric from a 90s pop song, it is a truth that people learn everyday to liberate themselves from attitudes and world views that they’ve accepted but now want to let go of. Roc Blackblock. Contorno Urbano “12 x 1” 2017. Barcelona. (photo […]
BSA Images Of The Week: 02.12.17
“It’s surreal to be on the south side of the US border,” we said last week about being in Mexico. Sorry to report that it may be even more surreal on this side. Trump and Co. suffered a setback on their Muslim travel ban via the courts but are reportedly breaking out the ICE and […]
Snow In Day in NYC : Let’s Head to the Park
Art in the Streets! Art in the park! Okay, a really loose interpretation here, but who can deny that the hand of nature often looks like it belongs to an artist? Central Park. February 2017. NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo) This week New York was clobbered in a frosty white powdery art material that masked […]
BSA Film Friday: 02.10.17
Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities. Now screening : 1. Kahbahbloom: The Art and Story Telling of Ed Emberley 2. Fintan Magee / The Exile 3. Amuse.126.Big Walls 4. EWOK – MSK BSA Special Feature: Kahbahbloom: The Art and Storytelling of Ed Emberley by Todd Mazer “How he sustained himself artistically […]
Getting “Woke” with the Word On The Street(s)
The powerful use of words and images is playing an important role in directing the events that lead us forward, or backward. It is right for us to be alerted to fake news, although the recent bashing of news sources has more to do with de-legitimizing and seizing power than any sincere interest in truth. […]
NemO’s Bunches Heads Together Like Grapes in Roman Suburb
This mural program is “maintaining a complete detachment from the speculation of the art system,” says Street Artist NemO’s of Muracci Nostri. However he looks quite attached to this wall. NemO’S. Primavalle, Rome. November 2016. (photo © Laura Lepera) Rappelling down its’ side using a doubled rope coiled around the body and fixed at a […]
Sebastien Waknine, Rubicon1, Mugraff “Journey of a Refugee” in Barcelona
As the world looks on and Americans are deciding which of the world’s refugee children to ban from the country, London-born Street Artist Sebastien Waknine has created a new work in Barcelona called “Journey of a Refugee” with Rubicon 1 and Mugraff. Sebastien Waknine (0ld lady) in collaboration with Rubicon 1 (refugees) and Mugraff (letters) […]
Trump Scares As Street Art-Inspired Magazine Covers
The bright pop pallet, the layered stencil flatness, the drips, the overspray. These are some hallmarks of the modern Street Art style; evocative of free speech, underground activist missives, and pop culture soaked tongue-in-cheek satire. And here they are popping up again on major magazine covers – still nailing the essence of the message with […]
BSA Images Of The Week: 02.05.17
It’s surreal to be on the south side of the US border when Trump has just signed an executive order to build a wall, decides to try to pick a fight with the President of Mexico and drops a travel ban. Gosh, between giving away everything to his ultra-rich friends, loosening regulations on their companies, bringing Frederick […]
Said Dokins & Lapiztola : Gentrification in Mexico City’s La Merced Market
Lapiztola & Said Dokins. Del Barrio / Mi Merced Mexico City. 2017. (photo © Leonardo Luna) The writing is on the wall. Can you read what it says? Lapiztola & Said Dokins. Del Barrio / Mi Merced Mexico City. 2017. (photo © Leonardo Luna) “Social Cleansing” is a term used by Said Dokins and […]
BSA Film Friday: 02.03.17
Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities. Now screening : 1. NEMCO, Three Stages: Primaticcio. Part I 2. NEMCO, Three Stages: Salento. Part II 3. NEMCO, Three Stages: Tetto. Part III 4. Run AKA Giacomo Bufarini: Time Traveller Artist Man 5. Saving Banksy 6. Berlin Kidz and Grifters […]
A Wall a Month : Contorno Urbano Launches “12 1” for 2017
Walls get buffed all the time in many cities as the municipal anti-graffiti campaigns scour the streetscape for unapproved aerosol missives and get out the bucket paint or bring by the power washer. Irene López León. Contorno Urbano “12 x 1” 2017. Barcelona. (photo © Fernando Alcalá Losa) In one Spanish city they are doing […]
“Shoe” is His Middle Name: New Book by Niels Shoe Meulman
“They both see words as images,” says Shoe about graffiti writers and Medieval scribes in a 2013 interview with the BBC. His latest tome extrapolates this reverence for the letterform, an obsessive repetitive family of gestures, now often abstracted, that the artist first stumbled upon as a pre-teen in the late 1970s. Since those days […]
“Stars and Bricks” Go Up on a Berlin Wall from Various & Gould
“Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.” ― Joseph Fort Newton, Southern Baptist minister from Texas (1876–1950) And yet, talk again turns to the building of a contiguous wall along the southern border of the US. Even though the wall is part of an Executive Order from President Trump, some say that in […]
Trump Street Art – Instantly There’s a Global Critique
Any US president can expect cartoons and visual commentary critiquing their performance and policies and persona and fashion and idiosyncrasies. This one has created a flood of it worldwide. Teo_Vasquez photo ©Sameworld_project in Barcelona, Spain The chaos that is the first ten days of this administration has only confirmed some peoples worst projections, yet its been filled with surprises […]
BSA Images Of The Week: 01.15.17
A lot of Street Art went up this week and a lot of serious crap went down on the national stage. We’re seeing politically themed Street Art appearing up all over the city right now, and some of it is here in our round up – addressing myriad topics, all related to the administration that […]
The Audubon Birds Of Broadway
Birds flyin’ high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin’ on by, you know how I feel It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me. ~ Nina Simone ATM. Williamson’s Sapsucker for The Audubon Mural Project. (photo © Jaime Rojo) […]
BSA Film Friday: 01.13.17
Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities. Now screening : 1. OLEK: In The Blink Of An Eye 2. Москва – Artmossphere by Kevin Lüdicke 3. Morden Gore: Painting for the Italian Earthquake of October 2016. 4. Art Is Tra$h BSA Special Feature: OLEK: In The Blink […]
Civic Dialogue & “Fake Walls” : A New Interview With Gaia
He calls them “fake walls”; these mockups of murals in Baltimore that feature adorable pets. With these clever photoshopped pieces of mural fiction the Street Artist Gaia is perhaps skewering the coy shallowness of mural festivals that encourage a content-free decorative approach, rather than a substantive historically/socially/politically rooted one. If Street Art has been hi-jacked […]
“Meeting Of Favela” and a Thousand Artists in Rio : Martha Cooper Dispatch
Rio is hot in December. When you add a thousand artists to the favela it gets a lot hotter. Aquilas Mano Costa from Rio De Janeiro. Mr. Costa a community coordinator and a tattoo artist displays his Meeting Of Favela tattoo. Aquilas is a member of the Costa family which was the host family of […]
Pine Tree Balls : A Public Art Recipe from Various & Gould
Overstuffed yourself with crackers and holiday cheeseballs? Why not try making some of these to burn off those extra calories? 3 Kings Day is in the bag and Christmas is a fading memory and we still see those pagan trees tossed to the curb and rolling around in the winter winds, waiting to be picked […]
Tuco Wallach: What’s The Manimal Looking At?
“Barter and flea market for the curious. Open the safe door. Take a look Deposit, Take, Exchange!” Tuco Wallach shares his latest interactive project today to see what people will use the deposit box for in his social experiment. He says it wasn’t a solo endeavor, but rather a little group project with friends and […]
BSA Images Of The Week: 01.08.17
Over the holidays we made a quick stop in West Palm Beach, Florida to take a look at the murals from the CANVAS program, adjacent to the neighborhood of the Trump resort where he spent New Year’s Eve where he charged guests a minimum of $525 per person to attend his party. Scrubbed clean of […]
Mona Tusz Creates New Relief in Lodz, Poland
Artist Mona Tusz creates a relief mural in Lodz, Poland using stained glass, wood, metal, and custom illumination in her latest esoteric journey of spirit and emotion for this latest creation for UNIQA Art Lodz. Mona Tusz for UNIQA Art Lodz Project. Lodz, Poland. (photo © Michał Bieżyński) The public art program has been looking […]
BSA Film Friday 01.06.17
Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities. Now screening : 1. New York: Art of Beeing with Louis Masai by Where’s Kong 2. Detroit: Art of Beeing with Louis Masai by Where’s Kong 3. California : Art of Beeing with Louis Masai by Where’s Kong 4. Arizona […]
One Artists’ Mission to Save Endangered Species: Louis Masai Completes “The Art Of Beeing” Tour
9 weeks, 8,000 miles, 20 murals, 13 cities. Dozens of species going extinct every day. Those are some telling statistics for Street Artist Louis Masai as he completes criss-crossing the United States during this moment when it looks like the country is on the precipice of a social and political revolution. Louis Masai painting in […]
New Ethereal Works From Rubin 415
Many people say that Street Art by its nature is necessarily ethereal because it is often damaged by the elements or destroyed by others. Your expectation for it’s brief lifetime is tempered with the realities on the street. On some occasions, indoor artwork has a similar fate. A few new pieces here for you from […]
New “Uninhibited” Art Scene in Allapattah, Miami
Clara Vanessa Avalo and her Uninhibited Urban Art Magazine mounted their own celebratory event full of artists and fans this year in Allapattah, a gritty neighborhood adjacent to the glaring spotlights of Wynwood during Art Basel Miami. Bordalo II . Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo) Celebrating the magazine’s first anniversary Ms. Vanessa Avalo’s project brought […]
Tracking Phlegm in Wynwood, Miami.
Phlegm. Wynwood, Miami. (photo © Jaime Rojo) It’s over a year old, but this mural by UK’s Phlegm along rail tracks in Miami has a certain timeless quality. Maybe it is the illustrator’s monochromatic fanta-realism or the placement of this industrial-age freight running on the side of an old factory building , but these characters […]