The Counting Crows returned to our shores for the first time since 2008. The poignant delivery and mesmerizing vocals of Adam Duritz filled the SunBet Arena with a gentle yet powerful energy that left the 6000 crowd feeling enchanted.
Their songs shift something deep in your core. The night was the musical equivalent of chicken soup for the crowds 90s-music-loving soul, as Duritz’s soothing and at times haunting voice weaved through the old, the new, the nostalgic, the heartbreaking, the heart soaring and the best of the band’s catalogue.
Pretoria was the first of Counting Crows two South African concerts on their Butter Miracle tour. It was a tour that should have happened years ago, however was postponed due to Covid. The tour started in the USA and made its way through Asia and Europe before one last stop in Africa.
The country is in the midst of load shedding and Adam stated that two amps blew up during the sound check, however that didn't stop an amazing performance. From the first note to the last Duritz, guitarists Dan Vickrey, David Immerglück and David Bryson, keyboard player Charlie Gillingham, drummer Jim Bogios and bassist Millard Powers mesmerised the crowd.
Counting Crows are renowned for their energetic and passionate live shows and they offered nothing but their best as they performed for fans, most of whom have undoubtedly been fans since purchasing August and Everything After.
From Round Here, Duritz led the way through St Robinson, the crowd pleasing Mr Jones and a harrowingly beautiful rendition of Colourblind. It was non-stop - Durtiz and co focused more on moving seamlessly through the setlist than jabbering to the crowd between songs and we were spoilt with hits spanning all of their albums.
Adam stated that his girlfriend requested Butterfly in Reverse, to be put back onto the setlist even though she was on another continent, so he obliged. The chart topping cover of Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxii, Recovering the Satellites and a host of other top hits were performed before the new stuff - all four tracks from their 2021 EP Butter Miracle, Suite One. The Tall Grass, Elevator Books, Angel of 14th Street, Bobby and the Rat-Kings.
The piano came out and Adam performed the song everyone was waiting for, A Long December .Its poignant lyrics resonate deeply with many in the crowd. It’s a melancholic yet uplifting song about looking back on your life - but also looking forward. It’s about hanging in there. It’s about acknowledging the hardship but having faith that things will improve. “It’s been a long December, and there’s reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last,” sang Duritz. “I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”
The last song of the main list was Rain King, before an encore that had the crowd on its feet. It was a beautiful trifecta of Counting Crows genius - Omaha, Hanginaround and Holiday in Spain. To say the fans were enchanted last night, particularly by Duritz, is a dramatic understatement. From start to finish the show was absorbing, charming and delightful - quite frankly one of the most memorable concerts that have taken place at the Sunbet Arena.
Thank you Big Concerts and Counting Crows. We can not wait to see you again.
Kevin Rademeyer
Media Manager
[Submitted by Kevin Rademeyer]