Warning for freelance, professional and new media journalists if you are looking for information on how to get a press pass
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Freelance Credential - Insight & Info
We came across this blog and decided to link to it from here. We hope it serves it's readers well.
Excerpt from blog at blogger.com
One of the most frustrating things we experience as a freelancer whether it be as a writer, photographer, editor or other is limited access or lack of perceived credibility. Obviously our portfolios and bodies of works can speak for themselves and address some of these issues. Still, some people want to see some kind of ID or credential before allowing us into their venues or events.
Yes, there was a time when this was the most frustrating part of being a freelancer. Well, guess what??? That is no longer the most frustrating aspect, especially if you are just starting out. Now in addition to addressing this need, relative newcomers are faced with so many search results claiming to offer a solution for you.
We had a chance to catch up with one of the "members" of a so called press agency. We found her at a place called depositphotos.com, an online resource for various stock photography. She had very little time for us as she is a very busy person given that she is a (student, model, computer technician, receptionist, doctor, yoga instructor, photographer, reporter, customer service rep), just to name a few things. We have some images below that are linked to the website where you too can purchase images of this very busy woman.
Here is a link to a page full of models holding up blank cards - https://www.shutterstock.com/search/similar/104385785
And More photos of the same model posing for other tasks, trades, jobs - https://www.shutterstock.com/search/models/12530077?context_photo=104385785